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From across the North Country

Above all, AFSN stands by a commitment to ensure representation, equity, and transparency throughout the food system. We welcome all to get involved, in whichever and whatever manner makes sense to you. Scroll down to learn about who we are:


Josh Stephani


With more than a decade working in non-profits, Josh's passion for food systems, agriculture, and supporting rural communities has shown through his work.  From developing education and produce prescription programs to working with local producers to increases markets to low-resource communities, he works to increase the viability and resiliency of our regional food system. 


He holds a Masters of Conflict Analysis and Resolution and a Master of Environmental Studies. Additionally, he is a PhD candidate studying the intersection of food, community, and agriculture within rural environments.

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Members of our Steering Committee at our 2024 Annual Meeting. Thanks to Craigardan for hosting our strategic planning!


Our member agencies are the backbone of the Network. Promoting collaboration and the will to approach regional challenges through systems-level analysis, they commit to the success of the Network, provide opportunities to expand the strategic plan, and enrich collective solutions through their sector- and geographic-based expertise. While the Network works on the organizational level, we recognize the important contributions of certain individuals to advance the food system and afford opportunities of at-large individuals to serve as members of the Network.

If your organization is interested in joining the Network, please reach out to

For more information about individuals agencies, click on their respective logos to be directed to their websites.

Our Member Agencies

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Our Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is compromised of organizational representatives selected to help guide and advise the Network's staff. Charged with providing strategic vision, governance, and financial oversight, these members commit to advancing the solution- and system-based collaborative thinking to solve the North Country's most pressing issues through our shared values.

In 2025, the Steering Committee will begin transitioning into a smaller group--elected by the membership--to provide governance and financial oversight. They are directly responsible for promoting and ensuring equity and transparency of the Network and through its governance.


Our Current Steering Committee:


Sawyer Bailey, AdkAction

Lori Bellingham, Adirondack Foundation

Krista Berger, Essex County WIC

Lyndsey Brainerd, Comfort Food Community

Carlene Doane, GardenShare

Meghan Dohman, At-large Member

Michele Drozd, Craigardan*

Rev. Dr. Laurie Garramone, One Church Street

Jon Ignatowski, Adirondack North Country Association*

Dillon Klepetar, Adirondack Council

Amy Kohanski, The Heart Network

Elizabeth Lee, Cornell Cooperative Extension: Essex County

Brooke McConnell, Pitney Meadows Community Farm

Jen Perry, Compost for Good

Aaron Thomas, Adirondack Land Trust

Lindsay Willemain, Essex Food Hub

* denotes 2024-2025 co-chairs​

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